Friday, February 15, 2019

HI, New & Fresh Me

new mindsets

new intentions

new results

new focus

My 2018 was full of regrets and this New Year's Eve, I tell myself that there will be no regrets anymore. It has been one hell of anxiety, and heartache to keep my opinions and feelings written and not to speak out.

I have already been given the chances and opportunities to express myself to others but when I'm already grabbing it, I don't know why but I become weak and wordless.

But the worst thing that I want to change myself is I'm easily attached to something that I can't manage the pain it will cause me when they are gone. And also, me, being always paranoid about what others will say about me, about their opinions and critics. I want to change myself into a better person not minding what others think and what they are saying about me.

But there's nothing much to change about myself, I'm grateful for my looks, my intelligence, and my cute attitude. And there's this one unique personality I really like about me. I'm the kind of person who is so optimistic and always sees the silver lining in anything.

1 comment:

  1. Agree. Sometimes we need not much change, it's all about acceptance and contentment.


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