Friday, October 9, 2020


I   N   T   R   O   D   U   C   T   I   O   N


"Never stop trying. Never stop believing. Never give up. Better days are coming and your day will come." This quote has always been my favorite quote in life, as I can associate it with myself. Hello, everyone! I'm Rose Mae Quillopras, a student of 12 Freud.

Being the eldest one, sometimes, gives you the favors. Luckily, I am loved, cared for, and most favored but upon all of this is the pressure I take. It has been one hell of anxiety, and heartache to keep my opinions and feelings written and not to be speak out. But it didn't stop me from continuing to update myself to be the better version of myself.

I can say that my life is full of surprises. And these surprises are my achievements, also surprises that almost had me devalue myself. But somehow, these surprises have truly taught me the importance of rising again and striking again.

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