Monday, July 30, 2018

Nutrition Month 2k18

It is the time we celebrate the nutrition month. "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin." As today many of us don't give importance to our health. We continue pestering it by our ceaseless bad habits that we didn't notice it. Notice that it's killing our good health little by little.

Good nutrition is the key for us to be healthy. Obeying the rules will not be a hidrance to our motto "YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE". That's why we have this month where we celebrate the nutrition month. Where many activities was held like cooking contest, selling nutritious foods and etc. It is the month , students become excited because of the nutri jingle contest that gives thrill to them. In short, it is the month we love the most.

Nutrition is a field of science that has still a lot to be discovered and tested. Celebrating the nutrition month continuously is a proof that we always know the magnitude of being a healthy person. We should always glorify it to highlight the benefits and the good things we get in celebrating the nutrition month.



  1. Wonderful! Remember to eat healthy foods :)

  2. what a good article. eating vegetable and fruits is good for our body :)

  3. it is better if you use the same font style and size for the whole article.
    Ps: Nagrigat basaen yieeeeh labyu mae nagcute nak

  4. It is better if you use the same font size but you did a great job


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