Tuesday, July 31, 2018

President Rodrigo Duterte SONA 2k18

It is President Duterte's 3rd State of the Nation Address. It was a short speech, than I expected. I thought that it will last an hour like the previous SONA of the president. I was enticed by the issues and future plans discussed by President Duterte.

It has been 2 years, when the election was held. "Change is Coming"  it is my most favorite line  from the previous speech of the President. Since  he was elected, it is also the time that I realized the importance of being a citizen even though I'm so young in that age.

My only concern is all about the War on Drugs as President Duterte's administration. We might say that it's a good step because somehow drug pushers and drud users were imprisoned. But many of them got killed that intrigued the human  rights. It made me discombobulated if where will be my side is.

But is it just my opinion. No matter what we do, always remind that we are Filipinos. We were made to love, to support and protect each other.



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