Wednesday, December 5, 2018


     Some says, we are already equal. They say being equal is being equal. But little do they do know how it feels to be treated equal. 
     Created equally by God. Although it is true the society has stereotyped women into traditional roles, like just doing the house chores and take  care of childrens. And men are the one who is respomsible for the supply of food or oney for living. Women are not given the chance to considered and showcase their own talent.     Everyone has the rights we all have roles and rightful place in society. It is true that we,our lives we built are to commit and enumerate decisions everyday that lead us to different paths. But it doesn't mean that we are not already freed to our own things.

 If we stop the stereotypes in our society we have the bigger chance to grow and develop accepting that anyone has given opportunities that should not be block or stop just because of the issues concerning gender, race, and religion. Letting others to bloom is also a big support. We need to change transform to better and accepting that all of us are equal. Acceptanceand giving chances to anyone is one of our best gift to God.


  1. "Letting others to bloom is also a big support". Those words, so inspiring!

  2. Check some of the font size and the spacing but I enjoyed reading the article above, really explains everything in detail,the article is very interesting and effective.

  3. Every one of us plays a certain role here in our society. We should know individual's worth and celebrate it!


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