Thursday, December 6, 2018

Christmas is Coming! CHRISTMAS IS LOVE!

 "Jesus is our precious gift". It's the time of year we celebrate the birth of the Christ child. That God sent his son, Jesus for us.
   It is the season we always waited to come. For it is the special season of joy , of peace, of great tidings. A season when we celebrate the birth of Christ the king.

John 3:16 "For God's loved
 the world that he gave us his only begotten son that whosoeverbelieveth in him will not perish but have a eternal life ."

 A season that is celebrated with family members and close friend. The children that are on streets and caroling , singing a Christmas song. Receiving gifts from their godparents. A beautiful and wonderful occasion that makes us more happy and contented.

  Christmas season is the best season also because of our Christmas party and gift giving to others. I truly do feel that Christmas is coming for I felt the presence of Jesus and God is already coming because I know God is there to celebrate with us.


  1. ako ay sangayon patungkol dito because God is Love, Christmas is Love.

  2. your blog is amazing and unique because you add pictures

  3. I love your really showed the real essence of Christmas.


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