Friday, March 3, 2023

Innovation Solution

Reflection | Innovative Technologies for Assessment Tasks in Teaching and Learning

The important highlights of the last chapter mainly revolved around Digital citizenship vs Global citizenship, Assessment, netiquette, and being a Netizen.

Technology is increasingly growing its role in our lives. As the world continues to change, its function becomes more vital and critical. After reporting and going through an in-depth understanding of how to be a good netizen and how to integrate innovative technologies into teaching-learning, I seek to become more aware and willing to improve my skills as a netizen. Moreso, how can I contribute as a netizen? 

Flexible always, in all ways

 Reflection | Flexible Learning Environment

Many say that to be a teacher, being flexible is one of the characteristics of being hooked. During the pandemic, we saw how complicated it was to catch up with the new system that was implemented. The quality of education at that time, when there was no physical interaction between the teachers and students, was really hard. The crisis, the Pandemic - a great barrier- weakened the quality of education. Thankfully, with the existence of digital technology, somehow, we slowly adapt and adjust to the new way of acquiring education.

After the reporting that was executed by my classmates, one of the main highlights that were ingrained in me was the utilization of online resources. Other than the concepts of flexible learning, I got to traverse how online resources should be utilized in the teaching-learning process. Moreover, the users of applications that are used for education now, photo editing, google forms that are essential in deploying quizzes and etc.

Learning during the pandemic truly put us in a rabbit hole. Not only us the students were in great labor for education to be attained but also the teachers who gave their best and sacrificed for flexible learning to be implemented properly, catering to every student. 

It's Time to be a Techie!

Reflection | Digital and Non-Digital Skills and Tools for Delivering Technologies - Enhanced Lessons

In our world which is altering drastically, being left is not an option. As a teacher who is in the making, being introduced to these technology tools will assist me a lot in delivering my lessons and help me out in making pedagogies that are integrated with digitalization which we all know is very essential now in education.

Being informed about how these desktop computers should be handled, accessing the Internet, making use of software applications, and other types of digital technology to be utilized in teaching students is really now a must for a teacher. It hits me that change for real is constant, as teachers we can't just stay put and left behind. We the future educators should be front liners in integrating technology now into education - teaching students how to ethically and adequately use technology in their studies and other aspects of their lives.

As one of the reporters, one of my realizations also that it is not only the basic skills of a digital literate I should possess. There is more to explore, especially now that more innovations arise, the technology keeps on evolving and developing. So, as a teacher - a key for change- should be included, as technology forces us to change. To be digitally literate now, to be a techie in our era is a call for.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Terms and Concepts related to Internet Communication Technology (ICT)

Terms and Concepts related to Internet Communication Technology (ICT)


Antivirus - refers to Antivirus software (AV software), and you can call it anti-virus software or anti-malware. It is a computer program that prevents, detects, and takes action to remove viruses and malware.


Authentication - the process of identifying yourself and the verification that you’re who you say you are. Computers, where restricted information is stored, may require you to enter your username and password to gain access.


Bandwidth - a measurement of the amount of data that can be transmitted over a network at any given time. The higher the network’s bandwidth, the greater the volume of data that can be transmitted. Network bandwidth is usually expressed in bits per second (bps); modern networks typically have speeds measured in millions of bits per second (megabits per second, or Mbps) or billions of bits per second (gigabits per second, or Gbps).


Bug - refers to an error, fault, or flaw in any computer program or hardware system. A bug produces unexpected results or causes a system to behave unexpectedly. In short, it is any behavior or result that a program or system gets but it was not designed to do.


Cache - a set of files saved on your hard disk that helps your browser display pages you have already visited more quickly. It displays the files from your hard disk instead of the web.


Electronic Commerce - simply e-commerce is normally a process that involves facilitating the availability of products and services online. Users can search, choose, sell, and buy from a wide range of options through the Internet.


Encryption - a type of security that converts data, programs, images, or other information into unreadable cipher. This is done by using a collection of complex algorithms to the original content meant for encryption.


Firewall - a firewall is a piece of software or hardware that blocks certain types of traffic. For example, a firewall could block incoming traffic on a certain port or block all incoming traffic except traffic coming from a specific IP address.


Hyperlink - an area on a Web page that, when clicked on with a mouse, will transport the user to another Web page. Also called “links” or “hot links,” hyperlinks are analogous to hypertext. Hyperlinks are commonly used on the Web to provide navigation, reference, and depth where published text cannot. A hyperlink can be created from a text or from a graphic.


Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) - is the main markup language for displaying web pages and other information that can be displayed in a web browser.


Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) - the hypertext transfer protocol is the standard protocol modern web browsers and the web itself uses. FTP and BitTorrent are examples of alternative protocols.


Internet Protocol Address (IP Address) - the unique numerical address of a computer on the Internet, expressed as four sets of numbers (maximum 3 digits each) separated by dots: e.g.,


Malware - is an umbrella term that describes any malicious program or code that is harmful to systems.


Platform - a group of technologies that are used as a base upon which other applications, processes, or technologies are developed.


Server - a computer that is responsible for responding to requests made by a client program (e.g., a web browser or an e-mail program) or computer. Also referred to as a “file server”.


Troll - someone who intentionally posts derogatory or provocative messages in an online community such as a Discussion List, Forum, or Blog to bait other users into responding. 


Uniform Resource Locator (URL) - URL contains the location of a resource on the Internet. A URL specifies the address of the computer where the resource is located, which may be the homepage of a website, e.g., or a sub-page, e.g.


User-friendly - mainly used to describe Software. Software that is easy to use and offers guidance if the user does silly things is described as user-friendly. This term may also be applied to certain types of Hardware.


Virtual World - a type of online three-dimensional imaginary world or game in which participants and players adopt amazing characters or avatars and explore the world, engaging in chat or playing complex games. 


Virtual Private Network - a means of securely accessing resources on a network by connecting to a remote access server through the Internet or another network.





ICT Glossary - ICT Self Help: University of Waikato

IT Terminology Glossary | Internet Technology Terms & Definitions (

Glossary of Terms - What Is Antivirus (

What is a Bug? - Definition from Techopedia

What is a Platform? - Definition from Techopedia

What is an Encryption? - Definition from Techopedia

Definition of Hyperlink - Gartner Information Technology Glossary

What is malware? Definition and how to tell if you're infected | Malwarebytes





Friday, October 9, 2020


I   N   T   R   O   D   U   C   T   I   O   N


"Never stop trying. Never stop believing. Never give up. Better days are coming and your day will come." This quote has always been my favorite quote in life, as I can associate it with myself. Hello, everyone! I'm Rose Mae Quillopras, a student of 12 Freud.

Being the eldest one, sometimes, gives you the favors. Luckily, I am loved, cared for, and most favored but upon all of this is the pressure I take. It has been one hell of anxiety, and heartache to keep my opinions and feelings written and not to be speak out. But it didn't stop me from continuing to update myself to be the better version of myself.

I can say that my life is full of surprises. And these surprises are my achievements, also surprises that almost had me devalue myself. But somehow, these surprises have truly taught me the importance of rising again and striking again.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Friday, February 15, 2019


"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself."

In this world, one of the most unlikable sentiments one can experience in life is being discontent with oneself. The most substantial way one can change the world isn’t simply by doing one thing, but instead, it is a way of life revolving around the concept of selflessness. 

How can we change the world when we human beings have toxic traits, we can't even vanish to ourselves? 

 Change happens whether we like it or not and regardless of whether we do anything about it. And to change the world, start it with yourself. We would love to fix the world, right? We would love peace and a delightful world.

HI, New & Fresh Me

new mindsets

new intentions

new results

new focus

My 2018 was full of regrets and this New Year's Eve, I tell myself that there will be no regrets anymore. It has been one hell of anxiety, and heartache to keep my opinions and feelings written and not to speak out.

I have already been given the chances and opportunities to express myself to others but when I'm already grabbing it, I don't know why but I become weak and wordless.

But the worst thing that I want to change myself is I'm easily attached to something that I can't manage the pain it will cause me when they are gone. And also, me, being always paranoid about what others will say about me, about their opinions and critics. I want to change myself into a better person not minding what others think and what they are saying about me.

But there's nothing much to change about myself, I'm grateful for my looks, my intelligence, and my cute attitude. And there's this one unique personality I really like about me. I'm the kind of person who is so optimistic and always sees the silver lining in anything.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Reflection for 3rd Grading Period

January 16, the end of 3rd grading period. And now we are alredy on our journey on the way end of our last period for this school year.

The lessons given are insteresting. I learn how to make a Web Page, it is one of my dreams. Because someday, I also want to share my knowledge through this.

This grading has taught me so much knowledge!

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Christmas is Coming! CHRISTMAS IS LOVE!

 "Jesus is our precious gift". It's the time of year we celebrate the birth of the Christ child. That God sent his son, Jesus for us.
   It is the season we always waited to come. For it is the special season of joy , of peace, of great tidings. A season when we celebrate the birth of Christ the king.

John 3:16 "For God's loved
 the world that he gave us his only begotten son that whosoeverbelieveth in him will not perish but have a eternal life ."

 A season that is celebrated with family members and close friend. The children that are on streets and caroling , singing a Christmas song. Receiving gifts from their godparents. A beautiful and wonderful occasion that makes us more happy and contented.

  Christmas season is the best season also because of our Christmas party and gift giving to others. I truly do feel that Christmas is coming for I felt the presence of Jesus and God is already coming because I know God is there to celebrate with us.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


     Some says, we are already equal. They say being equal is being equal. But little do they do know how it feels to be treated equal. 
     Created equally by God. Although it is true the society has stereotyped women into traditional roles, like just doing the house chores and take  care of childrens. And men are the one who is respomsible for the supply of food or oney for living. Women are not given the chance to considered and showcase their own talent.     Everyone has the rights we all have roles and rightful place in society. It is true that we,our lives we built are to commit and enumerate decisions everyday that lead us to different paths. But it doesn't mean that we are not already freed to our own things.

 If we stop the stereotypes in our society we have the bigger chance to grow and develop accepting that anyone has given opportunities that should not be block or stop just because of the issues concerning gender, race, and religion. Letting others to bloom is also a big support. We need to change transform to better and accepting that all of us are equal. Acceptanceand giving chances to anyone is one of our best gift to God.

Innovation Solution

Reflection |  Innovative Technologies for Assessment Tasks in Teaching and Learning The important highlights of the last chapter mainly revo...